Jack’s 5-month picture

The fact that I’m posting Jack’s 5-month picture on the 11th instead of the 5th should be a good indication of just how hard 10 minutes is to come by.

Time is flying by so much quicker with Jack than it was with Ellie, likely amplified by the fact that we’re taking care of two children and getting much less sleep than we did with Ellie. Either way, Jack is a lot of fun and we can’t wait for him to hit six months soon. Continue reading “Jack’s 5-month picture”

A big smile for a tall man

Clearly, we don’t have nearly as much time for putting up photos of Jack as we did for Ellie but here is a recent one nonetheless.

He is getting ridiculously long (he is still off the height chart) and gets more interactive every day. His legs move around like windmills and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on the move by Thanksgiving, if not Halloween. Continue reading “A big smile for a tall man”