Dozer Day

One of Jack’s birthday presents was tickets to go to an event that we’ve been trying to for the last couple of years, but just haven’t quite made it.

It’s called Dozer Day, and it’s where kids get to sit in full-sized heavy machinery and operate them. Jack had a lot of fun playing with the equipment, and Ellie did too since she was along for the ride.

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Jack’s 4th birthday party

As Jack’s grown up and he understands himself and the world around him more, he’s become a lot of fun to be around.

For people that meet Jack, they have the same general impression of him, that he’s goofy, silly, funny and fun to be around. He’s the life of the party and we’re glad to have him in our lives.

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Jack at his first basketball game [VIDEO]

Jack has expressed an interest in basketball for a couple of years now, ever since he started peering out of our windows and saw the boys across the street playing in their driveway.

Since we now live in Rip City, we decided that a trip to go and see the Blazers would make for a great Christmas present, so I took him on a father-and-son trip to see them play the Mavericks.

Continue reading “Jack at his first basketball game [VIDEO]”

Jack’s 3rd birthday

We generally keep the kids’ birthdays as relatively low-key affairs, so much so that I apparently didn’t take many photos at Jack’s 3rd birthday. However, you can take my word for it that Jack had a group of friends over to enjoy cupcakes together (expertly made by Mama, replete with Jack’s obsession du jour; Cars) and then we headed off to go and play at an arcade / play structure.

Also, for a bit of fun, if you want to see how much he has grown in the past year, check out these posts from a year ago. Continue reading “Jack’s 3rd birthday”

December 2017

Sadly, December was full of a lot of sickness in our house. Everyone caught the flu and spent a few weeks recovering from it. But nonetheless, we tried to make the most of our first Christmas in Oregon.

There was baking, building snowmen, tubing, Christmas trains, Santa, and of course, Santa. Continue reading “December 2017”

Jack’s first broken bone

Well, it didn’t take him long. I would have put good money on Jack being the first to break a bone, but what was perhaps more surprising was that he wasn’t horsing around or doing something he shouldn’t. In fact, he came to break his arm at the hand of Ellie.

Ellie and Jack were having a… disagreement, and in the course of events, Jack came to fall off of the bench that they were both on perhaps (definitely) because of Ellie’s hand that pushed him off of it. Continue reading “Jack’s first broken bone”

Jack’s first vacation – New England 2016

This summer, we spent a couple of weeks visiting with family in New England. We spent about a week each in Bath, NH and Kingston, MA.

While there, Jack got to meet his second cousins, Addison, Mason and Emmerson as well as other family members.

While there, he perfected walking and finally got the tooth through that had been bugging him for weeks. Continue reading “Jack’s first vacation – New England 2016”

Opening his birthday presents

Jack’s birthday was on a Thursday, so between busy work schedules, swimming lessons and such, there wasn’t really much time for a birthday on his birthday.

So, we celebrated 2 days later on the Saturday instead. He opened his presents and spent the afternoon playing with some friends at the park and the splash pad. He was born on Cinco de Mayo which effectively makes him Mexican, so we (the parents) celebrated by drinking margaritas with some friends after the kids went to sleep. Much deserved!
Continue reading “Opening his birthday presents”

Jack’s 1st birthday [VIDEO]

It has been a whole year now since Jack was born.

366 whole days.

I’m really finding it hard to fathom that. It came so much quicker than it did with Ellie because life has been so much busier with two than it was with one.

Nonetheless, our little man really is becoming a little man now. He’s on the precipice of walking and all of a sudden, he’s changed from a little bundle of body parts to a little boy with human stature. It’s bizarre to witness.

This evening, to celebrate his birthday, we went to Love Food Central in St Pete – one of our favourite local vegan places – to enjoy dinner with some family. The owners were even kind enough to give Jack a piece of peanut butter pie with a candle in it and he boshed the lot of it! Continue reading “Jack’s 1st birthday [VIDEO]”